Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New drawings and poetry

Well, here's what I've been up to during my last few weeks of travel.  I've made a bunch of drawings and written some poetry in English and Italian or some mixture of the two.  Its wonderful to play with the different languages because certain phrases and words cannot be fully translated.  They lose their meaning.  My Italian is still far from perfect, but in a way this helps.  I am not tied to grammar and traditional phrases.  I try to use the words (whether English or Italian) like pieces to collage with.  I think of these poems as drawings with words. 

Our Dusty Lives
Le stelle fanno il loro viaggio




Breakfast with the Holy Family

Viola dormendo


Leaf Shadows

Train Bird



Le anche degli alberi


Seeds Need Soil

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mural and Reggae!

Here's one of many photos of the big ole wall that I painted here in Piemonte. More photos to come.

In other news I went near Udine (northeastern most part of Italy) to see Europe's largest reggae festival, Rototom Sunsplash. It was a blast. I met lots of people, saw some incredible music, learned how to cook some dishes from Cameroon, attended discussions and workshops, and slept very little (in my hammock under the stars. The festival was held in a national park in a small mountain valley surrounded by forest with a wide, fast, clear river running through it. The river was always packed with festival goers, beer, and smiles. The concerts at night were great, flags and sparklers and dancing everywhere!

Right now I'm back at the farm in Piemonte, plotting my next move. Soon enough I will head back to Tuscany to meet the family! Looking forward to seeing you guys!

cheers and ciao!