Thursday, December 18, 2008

Contact jams in Italia!

This is a photo of me working on a sculpture at Louise's house (at night).  I'll keep you all in the proverbial dark until it's finished.
And this is what happens when you dont keep your WWOOFers busy.  We started to do some Contact Improvisation one day at Dino's.  The trend continued whenever we had some free time.  Above is Andrea about to jump onto my shoulders.  Below is Andrea (under a tablecloth) swinging Victoria around.
Since I probably won't post again soon, I wish you all a very merry xmas!  Ciao!


Horse Crazy said...

CHRIS CHIRIS CHRIS CHRIS!!!! ahahahaha that is sooo cool! The pictures are sick! I hope that you are having a great time and I miss you!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo flynn

Zen said...

Oh Chris you´re really a crazy boy.... I hope you´re fine? I just owe you an art from me... maybe I can send it via email... Best greets to Luise, Liesl, Bea and Arri!

see ya Julia